Parental Filter for Networks

Ecommsec Parental Filter for networks is a parental control porn blocker software. Parental Filter for Networks specializes in blocking porno websites nothing more, nothing less. You may want to develop a Internet acceptable site policy at your workplace with a Parental Control solution that allows you to add and remove definitions. The proceeds fund the free for personel use Parental Filter program allowing your company to provide families with a free version.

Parntal Filter 3.0 is a complete rewrite of Parental Filter taking into account the release of Windows Vista. Software testers can download Parental Filter 3.0 and provide feedback for improvements and submit unfiltered sites. At this stage it is approximately 40% effective as pornography website filter.


  1. Allowlist allows you to block all websites and then specify those websites that are allowed. Banlist blocking, block websites using the big blacklist provided.
  2. You can add and remove websites
  3. Exact match verified database, so only sites that are pornograhy are blocked
  4. Free definition updates
  5. Embedded mode allows you to completely hide Parental Filter and forget about it
  6. Set Passwords to protect the configuration
  7. Enhanced language support for languages other than English such as Chinese type writing
  8. Very fast low overhead monitoring with speeds approximating 0.30us to ascertain decision
  9. Small package with no updating required